IMPORTANT NOTICE: There are a variety of companies that have the words “Heartland” or “Heartland Financial” in their names. One or more also use the spelling “Hartland”. Before you do business with us or any other company, we strongly urge you to do your homework. At a minimum, you should check for a website and check with the Better Business Bureau. In short, be a smart consumer.
ONE ADDITIONAL NOTE: If you are looking for Heartland Financial USA, Inc., their website is: www.htlf.com.
Heartland Financial Services, LLC (HFS) was developed to assist the credit counseling industry and consumers deal with various financial problems. Focussing on the consumer’s particular problem as opposed to a particular kind of solution, HFS recognized from its beginning that it had to organize a nationwide network of financial service companies and attorneys who could provide different solutions.
HFS affiliated counselors and attorneys explain to the consumer how each relevant solution could affect their particular problem. In this way, HFS places the consumer in a position to make an informed decision about how to proceed.